Mystery boys-love series to return from latest hiatus in March
Ichijinsha slowed the serialization of Minekura's Wild Adapter and Saiyuki Reload Blast manga in 2013 due to her health. The manga had already resumed after a separate hiatus earlier that year. Minekura also wenton hiatus from her manga work in late 2010 due tosurgery.
The manga launched in Tokuma Shoten's bimonthly Chara magazine in 2001, but then it switched publishers to Ichijinsha in 2011. Ichijinsha has since republished the six compiled volumes of Wild Adapter.
In the manga's story, a young gang leader named Makoto Kubota takes in Minoru Tokitoh, a boy with a mysterious past. Minoru has been exposed to the drug "W.A." which has transformed his right arm into a monstrous limb. The two investigate the origins of the drug that is devastating the city's underground.
The series inspired an original video anime in 2014. The characters of Wild Adapteralso appear in Minekura's Shiritsu Araiso Kōtōgakkō Seitokai Shikkōbu (Araiso Private High School Student Council Executive Committee) manga and its 2002 video anime adaptation.
Tokyopop licensed the Wild Adapter manga in 2006 for release in North America. The company published six volumes before the company closed its North Americanpublishing division.
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